Take Action:

Write Letters to City Hall

Voice your thoughts with the City or San Rafael. Below is a prototype letter/email to be addressed to Raffi Boloyan, San Rafael Community Development Department.

EmailRaffi.boloyan@cityofsanrafael.org  | Mail: Raffi Boloyan, 1400 Fifth Ave., SR, CA 94901

Opening paragraph, 3 suggestions below:

Dear City of San Rafael, 

1. I am a resident and voter of Terra Linda [or San Rafael or Marin County]. The purpose of this email [or letter] is to advise you that I am opposed to Costco Wholesale’s proposal for Northgate Mall. I have several concerns, but for brevity I am going to list my top three [or four, or five, etc.].
(Select from the Facts page or state your own concern)
2. As a long-time resident and voter of San Rafael* I am writing to let you know I am dismayed and completely opposed to Costco Wholesale moving into the old Sears site.
(Select from the Facts page or state your own concern)

I have lived in San Rafael [or Marin] for [xx] years and I vote in ALL elections and am an active participant in my community. For this reason, I’m writing to let you know that not only I but all my friends and relatives in neighboring  Marin communities are totally opposed to Costco Wholesale at Northgate mall. I’m opposed because: 
(Select from the Facts page or state your own concern)

Closing paragraph 3 suggestions below:

1. Take into account the overall quality of life in our community and do the right thing!


2. Consider the health risk to our community especially the elderly and children. Is it worth  slightly cheaper gas, toxic air, incredible traffic congestion and accidents, excessive noise for a small boost in local sales revenue?


3. Remember the City of San Rafael’s sustainability goals, the commitments and vision outlined in the general plan 2020 because I can assure you that I and my neighbors will remember when it’s time to vote.


Your Name